Análise dos parâmetros físico – químicos e organolépticos de sabonetes líquidos íntimos

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Thamiris Silva Bezerra de Sousa
Alessandra Dayane da Silva Lima
Emanoella Karla da Silva


ABSTRACT: The female genitalia has many characteristics among them is to have acid pH and be constituted by microorganisms that are responsible for keeping this region healthy and free of odors. However, the proper sanitization of this region is important and should be done with suitable products among them are the intimate liquid soaps. Formulations that are well prepared, stable, approved and classified as grade 2 cosmetics by ANVISA. However, many errors are still found in cosmetic products, in the misuse of quality, appearance, stability and in labeling with lack or excess of information. Therefore, the objective of the study was to analyze the physical-chemical and organoleptic parameters of intimate liquid soaps marketed in drugstores, in accordance with ANVISA standards and the specifications described in its labeling, and for this purpose they were carried out for 3 months, at intervals of 15 15 days stability tests. pH, viscosity, density and organoleptic characteristics, in order to verify if there were changes. At the end of the 90 days, it was observed that the 10 intimate liquid soaps showed no relevant changes in both the physical-chemical and organoleptic characteristics. With regard to the evaluation of the labels, ie in the primary packaging, all contained the mandatory information among them all ingredients that are in the international nomenclature of cosmetic ingredients (INCI), having registration number, expiration date, pH value between others. At the end of the study it was possible to verify that there was no alteration in the formulation and no irregularity in the labels, presenting an acceptable result and within ANVISA specifications.

KEYWORDS: Cosmetics; Genitalia, Female; Cosmetic Stability; Cosmetic Labeling .


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How to Cite
de Sousa TSB, da Silva Lima AD, da Silva EK, de Lima EN. Análise dos parâmetros físico – químicos e organolépticos de sabonetes líquidos íntimos. Braz. J. Nat. Sci [Internet]. 2019Sep.7 [cited 2024May18];2(3):115. Available from:
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